Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Algerian grape in Texas

The first of my 7 'hot climate' cuttings has put out some buds.  I waited until late September to try rooting the cuttings.  They arrived in late April, which would have forced them to root during May when it starts getting hot.  So, they stayed in the refrigerator for the summer.  Hopefully, this and the others will enjoy the greenhouse this winter.

The vine seems to have arrived in the US as a seed in 1925.  It's ancestors were probably in France during the 1800s, but they must have thrived in the Algerian heat.     

DVIT 2044

Sunday, October 6, 2013

1st Octorber brix tests

Cabin Bicolor x Lady Patricia, brix of 23, taste reminded me of sucking on a sugar cube.  The biggest berry is about .44 inches in diameter

Other notes and brix readings: